For two weeks in July Sighle will be transforming Delawab into a bedroom. She has invited the four residents of the house to each spend a night in the room alone. The following week, five more guests will do the same. Each day the room will be rearranged to give each guest a unique place to experience.
There will be no public viewing of the room, and only those who sleep the night there will see it. Afterwards the guests will be interviewed about their experience of BEDROOM41AshelyAvenue. This will be the only document of the piece.
Sighle’s work investigates how and why our behaviour can be affected by our environment. She creates multi-sensory installations in functional places such as toilets, dining rooms and bedrooms, and then sets up a situation for them to be used. By recording discussions with participants about their experience of the installation, the work can be brought to a further audience. The range of reactions shown in these recordings, highlight the impact our own individual differences can have on the art work.

BEDROOM41AshelyAvenue is a direct follow on from DINNER466ShoreRoad where she invited 12 artists (who she was living/working with for a week in a large Georgian house for a residence project – HOUSE/HOME) to a black dinner party. The dining room had been customised to heighten feelings of social awkwardness in group situations, using colour, furniture, sound and smell. All she did was create a setting. What actually happened in there was up to the guests. They found it nearly impossible to have any kind of conversation in the black room and resorted to banging on plates and having a food fight.

DINNER was an experiment in group dynamic and how we conduct ourselves (and feel) in a public setting. BEDROOM will focus on the need we have for privacy.
(The results of this project/experiment will be available for all to view in August)
Sighle Bhreathnach-Cashell is currently on a year out from studying Environmental Art at the Glasgow School of Art. During this time she has been running residence at SHAC housing with her sister Sinead. Find out more at

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